Thursday, December 17, 2020

Stop & Go Traffic

 As I wrote in my previous post, various elements seemed to be falling into place. I was anticipating a meeting at Cleveland Clinic that would set the transplant in motion and begin the process of insurance approval followed by various appointments, scans and interviews for me and for my donor. There is a long checklist of traffic signals - lights that need to turn green before I can proceed with the transplant.

The first was the appointment scheduled for 12/18. But then, on the afternoon of 12/11 I received a call saying that the 12/18 meeting needed to be rescheduled and the earliest possible time was 1/15! Surprised? Disappointed? Discouraged? I was all of those things. It seemed like it would be Spring before I made it into the hospital!

There was nothing that I could do about it. If the doctor cannot be there, then you cannot have the appointment. I reminded myself that God is ultimately in control and that his timing is perfect. If God wants me to start the transplant later - then he has a good reason for it. I need to defer to God's goodness and wisdom and rejoice that he is keeping me from going too soon or too late. God's will be done.

This Tuesday I called my Transplant Coordinator and left a message asking for some clarification and information about where I stood. Since I will need a small army of volunteers to help me, I need to have some idea when I will need their help. On Wednesday she called me back and said that she had reminded my specialist that he had said he wanted to move ahead with my transplant sooner, rather than later. Since we could not have our meeting on Friday, he would call me on Wednesday (between his other appointments) and we would have our initial transplant meeting that way.

Sure enough, Dr. Gerds called me that afternoon. He reviewed the fact that they had a good 10/10 matched donor for me and that he wanted to do a reduced intensity transplant. The reduced intensity chemo is designed to be easier on my organs and also promotes the Graft versus Leukemia response that will help make sure the myelofibrosis is really defeated. He also said that they will be trying to reduce my T cells so that the transplant (Graft) can get to my bone marrow space without being attacked by my own immune system. (What a delicate balancing act - all with the goal of achieving a safe chimera.)

So, when I thought that the "go ahead" meeting would be delayed by a month it was actually advanced by two days. My emotions soar back from overcast ground level into the sunshine above the clouds!

Now we have many more traffic signals to navigate. If all the lights are green for me and my donor, then I might enter the hospital as soon as the middle of February.

Will the insurance approve the transplant without throwing up roadblocks? Will the medical evaluations be clear for me and my donor? Stay tuned!! The journey has just begun!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Things Are Falling Into Place

This is a time of intense insecurity with a backdrop of tremendous insecurity. 

COVID-19 is part of that background and at this very moment in my county we are at the highest level of public health emergency. Yesterday the deacons and I decided to once again cancel our in person services and ministries. Now we are going back to ministry by YouTube, email and phone calls. But how long will this last? When will things get back to "normal?"

The recent presidential election is another part of the background. The country is very evenly split. One side things everything will return to "normal" now that their candidate has (barely) won the election. The other side thinks that we are descending into the abyss of socialism that will be working to decrease their personal freedoms and redistribute their wealth. Some think we are on the verge of a second civil war. What will really happen?

Against that background I am moving inexorably toward my SCT.

It is impossible to say what will actually happen. There are so many variables - known and unknown. Will I live or die? Will I suffer serious organ damage or have chronic GVHD? How long will it take for me to regain my strength - and how much of my strength will I recover? Will I be well - or will I be unwell? How long will it be before I can once again have an immune system that allows me to be in groups of people?

But as the title suggests, things are falling into place. 

I am in decent physical condition. I have not had even one transfusion. I do not have any blasts in my peripheral blood. I feel well enough to work. My main complaint is daily fatigue and itching.

Cleveland Clinic sent me three profiles of 10/10 matches and I understand that these have all been contacted to give approval for their information to be sent to me. I was also informed that the transplant team has chosen one of those matches as the one they would like to use as my donor.

The matter of support during my hospitalization and subsequent convalescence looks encouraging. My wife can be my 24/7 care provider for the first 100 days as long as I can also have supporters who will commit to driving me to Cleveland for appointments and/or emergencies. We will also need help with cooking and cleaning during that three months.

Meanwhile, my church is willing to give me a year of leave to try to recover and return to ministry. Hopefully that will work out and we will also be able to provide a substitute pastor who will take care of the church throughout my absence. Those arrangements are still being made, but things look very promising.

Many years ago I surrendered myself to God for his glory. At the time I did not realize where exactly that would lead - but my commitment was to go anywhere and to endure anything to serve him. That is my prayer about this SCT.

I would rather work as a pastor without going through the near death experience of an SCT. But if this is what God has for me - then I know he will bring good out of it one way or another.

God's sovereignty is not "falling into place." (Smile) But my coming to a place of greater peace because of God's sovereignty is part of my sense that everything is falling into place.

Onward! Forward! Let's get this done!