Thursday, June 7, 2018

Pruritis & Other Unpleasant Realities

Some days are just pruritus days. I don't know why. But somewhere - arms and legs, chest and belly - somewhere I start to feel prickles that turn into stings that cause me to twitch and jump. I can barely resist scratching and choose instead to rub with the palm of my hand - cautious lest I agitate this insidious monster even more.

There are no welts. There is no rash. It is mostly unpredictable. After a shower. Especially if I rub myself dry with the towel. It might come then. But it also might come when I lay down for bed at night.

Distribution of Aquagenic Puritus in PV
(SiegelFP, TauscherJ, PetridesPE.Am Hematol. 2013 Aug;88(8):665-9.)

Lotion doesn't seem to help me. Sometimes it makes it worse. 

There doesn't seem to be much that I can do except to wait for it to subside. I rub my hand over the areas if I have to. But mostly I just try to endure it without too much twitching and jumping.

What is it? A cytokine storm? I don't know. Part of the experience of living with myelofibrosis, I guess.

At least I don't have bad puritus days everyday. (Some people do.) And I suspect that my experience is milder than some of my MPN friends. And at least it doesn't last all that long as a percentage of my day.

Count your blessings! Things could be worse!

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